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Robots in the Cloud, or, Automating Django with Build Systems (This Old Pony #83)
Automated Django Deployments (This Old Pony #82)
The Automator (This Old Pony #81)
Reducing the Bus Factor with Code (This Old Pony #80)
Novelty Seeking (This Old Pony #79)
Fixing What Ain't Broke (This Old Pony #78)
Contorionsist Data Models (This Old Pony #77)
Bad Architecture (This Old Pony #76)
If You Don't Know Your Tools (This Old Pony #75)
Django Is More Than Good Enough (This Old Pony #74)
Django Isn't Good Enough (This Old Pony #73)
Hobble your Django app with complexity for fun and no profit (This Old Pony #72)
A short side journey on Git workflows and Django projects (This Old Pony #71)
Confusing requirements with specifications, and the birth of bad legacy code (This Old Pony #70)
The problem with fat models, or, an OOPs mistake (This Old Pony #69)
Turning around a Django site without a single line of Python (This Old Pony #68)
Leverage points in Django development (This Old Pony #67)
The Django checklist manifesto (This Old Pony #66)
Breaking out your Django app for great good (This Old Pony #65)
Do you remember Django Standalone Apps?
Better living through Django-app-reusabililty (This Old Pony #64)
Does your Django site schedule maintenance for you? (This Old Pony #63)
Testing Django and Python variations (This Old Pony #61)
Caching and performance choices in your Django app (This Old Pony #61)
Designing Django sites for maintainability: another plumbing story (This Old Pony #60)
Refactoring - like washing your hands in the bathroom (This Old Pony #59)
Aggressively testing Django form validation (This Old Pony #58)
Hidden deltas in estimating on existing Django projects (This Old Pony #57)
How do you tie tests back to documentation? (This Old Pony #56)
Prioritizing technical debt vs. feature development in your Django app (This Old Pony #55)
A fistful of testing strategies (This Old Pony #54)
Triaging and squashing bugs in existing Django apps (This Old Pony #53)
Triaging security issues in existing Django apps (This Old Pony #52)
Starting to prioritize and triage issues in cleaning up Django apps (This Old Pony #51)
Sushi, but for web apps: raw SQL & Django (This Old Pony #50)
Making Django templates manageable (This Old Pony #49)
"Leaning on the compiler" and working effectively with legacy Django code (This Old Pony #48)
Nobody talks about sending email in your Django app (This Old Pony #47)
What the async!? Moving Django features outside the request (This Old Pony #46)
I thought I saw a VARCHAR, or, suboptimal model modeling in Django (This Old Pony #45)
Skinny controllers and fat [Django] managers (This Old Pony #44)
Where should that go, Django forms edition (This Old Pony #43)
Just how much should you use the Django admin? (This Old Pony #42)
Faster, better, happier Django development with project onboarding (This Old Pony #41)
Not so fast - when your Django site is slow (This Old Pony #40)
Should you add React or Angular to an existing Django site? (This Old Pony #39)
Add Django content management to SaaS and other non-CMS sites (This Old Pony #38)
And now the reasons for moving Django models (This Old Pony #37)
Crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside - your Django project code, that is (This Old Pony #36)
We didn't understand this old code so we just replaced it with a binary latrine (This Old Pony #35)
Two reasons why software gets complicated - even Django sites (This Old Pony #34)
Refactoring Django apps: a better way of moving models (This Old Pony #33)
A fistful of refactorings: practical improvements for Django apps (This Old Pony #32)
App architecture matters, or, how not to double charge your customers (This Old Pony #31)
The module hierarchy and your Django project (This Old Pony #30)
It's faster to write from scratch, but riskier: the software architecture and urban planning issue (This Old Pony #29)
Did you know it's faster to rewrite code from scratch? (This Old Pony #28)
Configuration management when your Django app is already deployed (This Old Pony #27)
Flip ya for real: Feature Flipping as a Maintenance Strategy (This Old Pony #26)
Making an app webscale, or, app schemas vs. DB schemas (This Old Pony #25)
Contain yourself - containers and VMs for legacy Django apps (This Old Pony #24)
I heard you liked logging from your app so I put logging in your app! (This Old Pony #23)
Logging's low hanging fruit: errors and other things that go bump in the night (This Old Pony #22)
The point of no return and the advantages of web apps (This Old Pony #21)
How logging, monitoring, and analytics work together (This Old Pony #20)
This Old Pony: What's going on!? Or, a little bit about logging
This Old Pony: Monoliths or Microservices?
The Old Pony: Moving the Monolith (part 2)
This Old Pony: Moving the Monolith (part 1)
This Old Pony: This is how you analyze your Django Monolith (for fun and profit)
This Old Pony: Hacking the Django monolith
This Old Pony: Approaching the monolith
This Old Pony: A framework to assess software & service lock-in
This Old Pony: "from awesome_module import lockin"
This Old Pony: "Hey, this proprietary, black box API will make this super easy!"
The Old Pony: "You're locked in here with me!"
This Old Pony: The Surprising Power of Linting
This Old Pony: to CBV or not to CBV
This Old Pony: "...the old man knows the exceptions."
The Old Pony: But first the backups, or losing data
This Old Pony: When the code has no tests
This Old Pony: A heuristic for identifying complexity in Django views
This Old Pony: Decoupling from Django for great good